hey, hey.
if have to described today in a word, i thought i would spelled that in a word "unique".
if have to described today in a word, i thought i would spelled that in a word "unique".
today is really suprising somehow, full of a lot surprising things, surprising events as well.
first, the tests, i got two tests today: physics and maths, killing instantly.
and the tests are : difficult, really dropping my mood off.
but, there were a lot of interesting things too today.
we played throwing ball game at CFD (my group was quite good at this, though we weren't the best team), and thanks GOD the 2 hours native lessons didn't have any teacher to teach us, so we were just crazying around, taking a lot of pictures, and laughing one each other.
and the photography time today was so exciting!
our beloved teacher didn't come, so we had to do an assignment: taking pictures of school activities.
so we snapped the badminton, basketball, and volley activities.
not just that, we also shot our two top models: jesica tatang and michelle kristiani.
and the top of today's uniqueness is: the earthquake!
actually i didn't feel the earthquake, because i was at my way back to school after buying ice cream, and i saw everybody in school rushed outside and talked about the earthquake.
and later i found out that the earthquake was 6,4 richter scale and happened near the Ujung Kulon.
so, i think that's all about today.